Cousins, Good Food, Snow, and Dolls
"I believe that the nicest and sweetest of days are not those which anything very splendid or wonderful happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls falling off a string." -L. M. Montgomery For the last three weeks, my schedule has been less than normal. That is to say; I have been doing delightful(if simple) things nonstop. Thanksgiving I went up to my Grandparent's house and nine family members who had previously not met Penka, Petra, Ivan, and Donka, met them. We had a lovely, relaxed and tasty Thanksgiving Dinner, and many things proved memorable. A favorite family (extended I mean) game of ours' is called Pictionary. It goes by several names. Each person has a stack of note cards and writes a sentence. Then you pass your pile to the person on your left, and the person on your right gives you their stack. You then draw a picture of their sentence. This process continues until the stack has been p...