
Showing posts from October, 2017

School, Forts, and the Books In Between

"I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." -L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables      School is in full swing, and rightly so, for I am learning much. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to be homeschooled and to learn in the way that I am learning. We have done many fun things the past few weeks. The highlights are visiting a pumpkin patch, biking, running and playing outside.              I have been going to Youth Group again, which is nice. All of the Fall Feasts began on a Wednesday night this year, and so I had missed about five consecutive youth group meetings.            Mom has been teaching Penka and Petra to crochet, and for Sukkot, Mom and Dad gave Donka a charming Princess Drawing kit. Ivan and Petra are just finishing soccer for the fall season, at which Ivan especially has excelled. I, for my part, have acquired new slippers.             I have been wanting badly to work on my book, the tentative name of which is "A Rose,

New Experiences

Walter reflected a moment and then responded, “Sadness, I daresay, is what shapes a person. It is what mends their flaws, and what matures them. I cannot say that I am sorry of this news, though I fully comprehend your unhappiness. As to life continuing on the same, what a bore that would be.” -Miriam Billing, A Rose, The Unfinished Novel I wanted to share a favorite passage from the book I am writing with you today as my quote. I would gladly share several more quotes from the book but do not because I am never sure what I will end up keeping. This line, however, I am positive about, because I love it so much. This week I have started participating in the Drama club at Hanford High. I am working with the makeup crew. It has been an all-new kind of experience. We are doing nine old person faces for the upcoming show, and I have learned a good deal about makeup from the other girls there. School is also in full throttle, and I must admit that I have quite a bit