School, Forts, and the Books In Between
"I am so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." -L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables School is in full swing, and rightly so, for I am learning much. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to be homeschooled and to learn in the way that I am learning. We have done many fun things the past few weeks. The highlights are visiting a pumpkin patch, biking, running and playing outside. I have been going to Youth Group again, which is nice. All of the Fall Feasts began on a Wednesday night this year, and so I had missed about five consecutive youth group meetings. Mom has been teaching Penka and Petra to crochet, and for Sukkot, Mom and Dad gave Donka a charming Princess Drawing kit. Ivan and Petra are just finishing soccer for the fall season, at which Ivan especially has excelled. I, for my part, have acquired new slippers. ...