New Experiences

Walter reflected a moment and then responded, “Sadness, I daresay, is what shapes a person. It is what mends their flaws, and what matures them. I cannot say that I am sorry of this news, though I fully comprehend your unhappiness. As to life continuing on the same, what a bore that would be.” -Miriam Billing, A Rose, The Unfinished Novel I wanted to share a favorite passage from the book I am writing with you today as my quote. I would gladly share several more quotes from the book but do not because I am never sure what I will end up keeping. This line, however, I am positive about, because I love it so much. This week I have started participating in the Drama club at Hanford High. I am working with the makeup crew. It has been an all-new kind of experience. We are doing nine old person faces for the upcoming show, and I have learned a good deal about makeup from the other girls there. School is also in full throttle, and I must admit that I have quite a bit of reading. Right now I am reading The Odyssey, and I daresay that I like it much more than The Iliad, which I read last week. I say ‘week’ as if it were a week, but in reality, I am a bit behind on my reading, so it is more like two weeks. In math, it is a breeze so far- not to say that I expect to be a good student in Algebra Two - but currently, it is mostly review. I am taking an interesting writing course with my friend, and also doing Chemistry, which is not as simple as I would like. But, enough about school. The kids are getting better each day, with fewer fights and more English. They are enjoying school, and I am happy for that. It is interesting and cute how they hear a word in English, and then hear another word(also in English) that sounds similar, and then they mix them up. Here are several examples: Dress = Jessica, He/She is not being nice = (Person's name) no be nice, Tired = Tiger. There are many other things that they say that are similar to these words. People said that after the first two months we would be able to communicate with them. Well, when they said that, I did not realize that they meant just our family. It is almost like we have our own language. The time is almost here for Sukkot, for which I am very excited. We went ‘shopping’ for presents and the Dollar Store, and I do not think I have ever spent more there. My total was twenty-two dollars. Imagine buying twenty-two things at the dollar store! Well, I did. Now that it is officially Autumn, I am all the more excited. I look forward to hot chocolate, caramel apples, corn mazes, bonfires, and smores. It has been good to get back into the rhythm of school, but I am sure happy for the holidays, for they bring the fun into it all.

A fun Watercolor of mine



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