Anecdotes, Occasions, and Events

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I ended up where I needed to be." -Douglas Adams

Ahh. Now the writing itself shall begin. What a busy week. Not only did it seemingly go on forever, but it was filled with every imaginable kind of mischief. On Monday I was off for Silverwood with my youth group. It was a really fun and crazy day, waking up at 5:30 and going to bed past 1 am, but it was worth it! On Tuesday I honestly am drawing a blank for what went on, but it was good, nonetheless. I had a list made of different little conversations and such that passed, but I cannot find the list, and so shall try my hardest to do without. Tuesday night, I believe it was, we made a reward for the kids if they would sleep in their beds. We would not mind them in the same bed except to eldest two keep the youngers up, and they get sleep deprived. We told them that if they would sleep in their own beds, then we would take them to McDonald's for ice cream. Well, after a fit full evening, and some hard work, they finally were all in their beds, and McDonald's was fully taken advantage of. They ate the cones, and then everyone(Mom included) wanted to go to the park. As soon as we reached the right one(Mom initially went to one I had recommended but for the lack of seating we left), they wanted to go home, because APPARENTLY, the park was BORING if they couldn't go to the little two-foot deep toddler swimming area. Then all to be heard was WHINING WHINING WHINING. (Side note, you needed a swimsuit and the kids were already a wreck so it would have been fatal to attempt the pool at all). In the car, my mom(the fabulous mom she is) gave them a taste of their own medicine- shall we say, tastefully? That is, she whined the same word about fifty times and did all the things they did. Then we drove homeward. About two minutes with no noise from the back seat(A very unusual occurrence) Mom turned to me and said, "I think they got it." I almost burst out laughing. I may not have conveyed this in a very amusing way, but  I assure you it was. It was either that night, or earlier Tuesday evening, and possibly Thursday night, we bought a VCR and CD player and a few (maybe 5) movies. The memorable ones were Home Alone 2, which I think the kids have watched like three times now, Anastasia, I'll get to that one later, and The Passion Of The Christ(rated R), which I will likewise get to in a second. Having never seen Anastasia, and so barely knowing what it was about, I started hearing the songs from the Broadway recording on one of my Pandora channels and noticed how beautiful they were. Once Upon a December and Journey to the Past were probably my favorites. It was on Netflix, but I didn't watch it, not knowing if it was good or not. I was sitting in my room while Mom was at the store and the thought occurred to me that well, what if she should come home with Anastasia as one of her movies? When she did come, I went down to see, and lo and behold, it was! What a fun surprise. Well, of course, the kids didn't want to watch it that night after all, because they wanted Home Alone 2, so I had to wait. The next day at Quiet Time I watched it on my computer on Netflix (ironically). When I was finished, Mom came to inform me that she was going somewhere (I cannot remember where) and the older girls (11 and 9) were watching   The Passion Of The Christ. I freaked a little and said, "Mom! You realize that it's rated "R"?" "Oops! That was a mistake!" she replied. "Can you go turn it off?" (For those who do not know, the Passion is rated so hard for just violence) I was a bit nervous to go down there because I didn't want to be scarred for life, but I did. The girls were mostly unaffected, and we suppose that they have probably seen as bad or worse where they're from on the TV. Still, it was a mistake to keep an "R" rated movie down there. It was Tuesday morning when we did the pottery, for those who were wondering. Now, I have, but one more story on my mind and this is one of communication. I do not recall the food that was in discussion, but I remember the response. Mom was trying to explain that this food(whatever it was)would make you fat, and to see if he had it right, Ivan responded with putting his hands on a make-believe belly and exclaiming "Ho Ho Ho!" It was pretty funny, but then, so are a lot of the things these kids do. A saying Mom and Dad often have to tell me when I feel responsible for them is "Not my circus, not my monkeys." It is surprisingly and accurate representation of them. Well, that's all for now,


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