Week One With the Kids

"Arise and seize the day!" -Newsies, and also a famous Latin quote.

The kids have arrived. I was not happy that I could not be there the minute that this happened, but it was not as big of a deal as I had thought. I thought it would be strange having them here, but it honestly feels natural. I suppose it’s just because I have imagined them here so long that it feels normal to wake up and see them. They are behaving well, and it has been a fun (though tiresome) two days. Today I, my cousin (7), my friend (my age), and the oldest girl went to the mall on the bus. It was nice to get to know just her and to spend time with all of them. Anyways, on the way back, we had some annoying trouble with the bus system. I am afraid I have given the oldest the wrong impression about buses in America. (The trouble was that we missed two buses and had to wait extra for another). She seemed to like the trip anyway. Both days we have gone to the pool. Everyone loves the lazy river, and they (though they don’t know how to swim, EEKKK!) are very brave and have almost no hesitation with trying new things.  The night before came home from Montana to see the kids for the first time since January was a little restless, and I had mixed emotions. I was(am) also mildly exhausted. This whole thing is new to me, and so, I think it will make for a fascinating blog. So long.


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