Why Has She Not Posted?

"True friends are always together in Spirit." L. M. Montgomery
     The last few weeks were filled with the crazy. (It should have been "the busiest moments of life," but it had to be "The crazy.") The first week I did not write, I was at my Grandma's house. As I assume she will read this, I must add that I had an enjoyable time there, and I think Penka did too. We went to the lake, floated the river, and went on a rope swing, as well as many other fun things.

    The next week we went to(Drumroll please!) TRI Family Camp, which I have long labeled as one of the very best weeks of summer. We made lots of fun memories, such as staying up until 1 am watching and Italian opera with subtitles, and staying up until 2 am watching The Phantom of the Opera another night. All this, not to mention playing capture the flag in the dark, being in puppet shows, having Italian sodas from the snack shack, and hearing some fascinating teaching. I made some pretty awesome friendships and reconnected with some people as well.
    This is the beginning of school, and what a week. I am happy to get to do school with my friend, Anwyn, and so far we have gotten stuff done, not just goofed off. What a success. The kids have been doing good, and they enjoyed Family Camp, which is awesome. It was special how my friends and the other people there accepted them and made them feel special.


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