The First Snow!

"For what do we live but to make sport of our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?" -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice   

     Sunday morning we had our first snow in the Tri-Cities Cities! Of course, it did not last for more than an hour, as the first snow of our deserty town never does, but it was a highly pleasurable thing to wake up and see frosty flakes wisping around in the chilly air. I took Petra and Ellisa out to the mall for their birthdays, and we had a good time.  She bought little Paris earrings and a heart necklace, but her favourite gift was (surprisingly to me) a balloon horse that was on a leash. It was pretty cute.

     On an entirely different note, we moved the Monday following the Sunday outing to the mall! We only decided Monday morning that we were going to move, so it has been a crazy week. Now our family has moved back into a house that we owned, and were renting out. All the kids are super happy about it.
    I look forward to Thanksgiving week, and to the weeks following, as I get to go to my Aunt's house, and help her out.

     I don't want to make this post so short, but people will be arriving for Petra's birthday party, which is tonight. So, so long!


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