A Posture of Surrender
"All to Jesus, I surrender // All to Thee I freely give // I will ever love and trust You // In Your presence daily live" - Don Moen
Every day in recent months my prayer to God has consistently included these words, "God, I surrender everything to you. I surrender the people I love, the relationships I have, the stress I feel about my responsibilities, the unknown future before me, negative memories from the past, my life, and all my devotion to You. Use me for your glory and purpose and take away from me what is not my best. I come before you with open hands, eager to lay it all at your feet, and trusting you to give me the things you know that I need." This process of continual surrender has helped me to always remember that every good thing is a gift from God, as it says in James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." When I continually take a posture of surrender, I am better able to honor God with the gifts he has bestowed on me.
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